7.1 | Personnel preparing DG consignments for transport (Personnel classifying dangerous goods for transport is provided simultaneously) – “Shippers & Packers” including operator’s staff acting as shippers, operator’s staff preparing DG as Company Materials (COMAT) and staff of freight forwarders acting on behalf of the Shipper. |
7.2 | Personnel responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo or processing mail other than dangerous goods. |
7.3 | Personnel responsible for processing or accepting dangerous goods consignments or accepting mail containing dangerous goods. |
7.4 | Personnel responsible for handling and storage of cargo or mail in a warehouse, loading and unloading ULD and loading and unloading aircraft cargo compartments. |
7.5 | Personnel responsible for accepting passenger and crew baggage, managing aircraft boarding areas and other functions involving direct passenger contact at an airport. |
7.6 | Personnel responsible for the planning of aircraft loading. |
7.7 | Flight crews. |
7.8 | Personnel responsible for flight operations and flight dispatchers. |
7.9 | Cabin crews. |
7.10 | Personnel responsible for security screening of passengers and crew, baggage, cargo and mail. |
➟ Capable of: Speaking, Reading, Writing and Understanding English Language.